Rockstar Wises Up, Halts Self-Fellation
Wednesday, July 28, 2010 at 1:04PM

Rockstar Games has developed many solid titles during it's run and rise to prominence as one of the industries standouts. Whether you love them or feel they're all glorified GTA clones, their games are continually regarded amongst the best yearly releases. That establishes quite a fan base for the gaming powerhouse, but how disposable is said fan base's income?

It was reported last month that Rockstar was planning to release an art collection spanning three hard cover books to celebrate their 10-year anniversary. Good idea. They planned to charge $450 for it. Bad idea. Some concept drawings and a DVD of exclusive footage in a pretty package, or an Xbox 360, PS3, and a copy of Red Dead Redemption for each? Hell, I might sooner spend my four-point-five bills on two copies of the gaudy Crysis Collectors Edition. I'd even have a cool fiddy left over to wipe my ass with, which is what I might as well do instead of burning my money on some art books.

Thankfully, Rockstar has decided to cut their loses early and scrap the art book project.

Honest question; really? You didn't see anything wrong with releasing a three-piece set of art books priced at $450? Shame on you.


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