The Force Unleashed II; Buy or Buy Not?

As you should be aware of by now, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II released a downloadable demo this week. The original Force Unleashed, while heavily flawed, was a blast to play. It made you feel like an all powerful Jedi/Sith surrounded by masses of mostly inferior enemies, allowing you to use your great power to dispatch of anyone foolish enough to stand against you with great fun and creativity. You also got to be part of one of the most compelling canon Star Wars stories we've seen in some time. Funny how all the best Star Wars content these days comes from everyone but Lucas himself.
TFU2 once again puts the player in control of Starkiller, Darth Vader's secret apprentice. Uncontent to just let his fearsomely strong pupil die at the end of the first game, Vader has created clones of Starkiller who have all of his power, but also the uprising memories of the original. During a practice exercise, Starkiller's memories overwhelm him, preventing him from striking down his love, Juno Eclipse. Seeing this weakness, Vader plans to kill the nostalgic clone and start anew, but this Starkiller is smart. Sensing Vader's impending lightsaber to the chest, our clever carbon copy Jedi blasts his mentor back with Force lightning and flies the coop. Demo on.
+ The surprisingly decent story of the original Force Unleashed is expanded on
+ The powers make you truly feel like a fearsome disciple of the Force
+ Destructible environments and unique enemy reactions always offers something fresh
- Difficulty on normal felt way too easy
- Dual sabers don't act much differently from a single saber
- Bland stage design showcased in the demo
- Something about the game experience feels empty
Fans of the Star Wars universe should probably buy this game without asking any questions. Fans of a solid gaming experience, well that remains to be seen just yet. There is a lot of promise in the demo, but the stage the action is set on is a little unspectacular and disappointing. The full version of the game will no doubt have more exciting backdrops to torture stormtroopers, but will that empty feeling the game seems to have be filled?
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II releases on October 28th, 2010

Reader Comments (1)
See that was my problem with the first unleashed. There was no challenge at all...I get that your are supposed to be great bit starkillers enemies don't have any kind of morale. A friend of mine is raving over the demo but I played the first one and I have been fooled before...I will definetely wait for the official release to be reviewed.