Black Ops Multiplayer Details

Okay kids! Today's phrase of the day is Black Ops. Can you say Black Ops? Bla, khops. Very good.
Treyarch community manager, Josh Olin, has written up a post on the ever helpful, detailing some of the lesser known facts about Call of Duty: Black Ops.
Most pressing; the addition of split-screen online multiplayer. Sweet! You can log in as a guest under any profile and immediately start blowing stuff up. The guest will be able to gain rain, earn unlocks, the whole nine. Unfortunately, all guest progress is lost when the player signs out. Bummer.
Also of note is the Custom Games Editor, which will allow you to fine tune the parameters of any custom game you create; time limit, weapon set, perks, gear, and on. When you're done creating your very own boring ass custom game, you'll be able to drop it in a file share, where your friends and the anonymous community alike can ridicule how terrible your decisions are. Hooray!
Make sure you get the lowdown in full at the

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