Sega Developing WWII Captain America Title

Sega and Marvel are good friends. The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, and Iron Man 2 games have given good efforts, but generally don't live up to the dreams fanboys have of flawlessly controlling their favorite Marvel heroes in beautifully rendered environments with a compelling storyline. Thor is next in line to receive the Sega treatment in summer 2010, and after that? Mister Avenger himself, none other than Captain America.
Set during World War 2, Captain America: Super Soldier puts players in the flared boots of the ultimate soldier, using his shield, free flowing combat mechanics, and acrobatic platforming to overcome enemies and obstacles. Batman: Arkham Asylum meets Assassin's Creed? Oh Sega, stop it.
The Cap will face off against Red Skull and his scientifically advanced Hydra army, with the ability to use the iconic shield to deflect incoming fire, incapacitate multiple enemies, climb walls and solve puzzles. Hm, not sure how a shield would be better than hands at climbing a wall, but okay, I'll roll with it for now. No confirmation yet on whether or not you'll be able to hit fools with the Final Justice.
The story will be penned by Marvel vet Christos Gage, who has written Avengers: The Initiative, Siege: Captain America, Iron Man, X-Men, Spiderman, and Civil War: House of M. So that means there's a high probability of the story actually being good, right?

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