Explodemon! Bursts Forth, Gets Pushed Back

I can never get too excited about PSN exclusives, if only because I've never really gotten into the swing of using PSN. Maybe it's because I don't own a Bluetooth headset, and the system doesn't come with one. Leave me alone, I'm frugal, dammit!
Regardless, Explodemon! is a PSN exclusive that I've been hot for since I first took a look at its earliest trailer. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem the title will make its scheduled winter 2010 due date, instead now aiming for a January 2011 release. Can't hate on that, it's just a months difference, and it looks like the wait will be well worth it. To tide those looking forward to the Mega Man X/Splosion Man hybrid, here's a new trailer that shows a lot of dope action, puzzles, wall sliding, and of course, explosions.
via Destructoid

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