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Oops! Someone Just Leaked Two More MvC3 Characters

Galactus (left), and Taskmaster (right) loafing around with Super Skrull, as illustrated by Kevin Sharpe

The Eagle-eyed boys at have just assured that Marvel vs. Capcom 3 comic book artist Kevin Sharpe never gets a gig in this town again. They've brought to light that Sharpe has posted some of his work from the MvC3 comic to his online portfolio.

Maybe Capcom hadn't informed Mr. Sharpe that not all the characters have been revealed yet, because he just blew the top on both Galactus and Taskmaster, both of whom have been previously rumored combatants, the former as the boss of the whole damn game. Word on the interwebz travels about as fast as a blown secret, so of course the source images can no longer be found on Sharpe's portfolio.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are one step closer to closure on Marvel vs. Capcom 3's roster. Capcom, you may now roll out the Galactus and Taskmaster trailers.

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