El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron

If there's one thing I'm a sucker for in pop culture, it's new takes and redesigns of one of the oldest things we know; religion. More often than not, reimaginings of religious lore turn out to be half baked and sad attempts, but for some godforsaken reason, I dig it anyway. So that brings us to this game, El Shaddai, created in part by the dudes who brought you such games as Devil May Cry, Okami, and Viewtiful Joe. Nice resume.
El Shaddai casts you in the role of Enoch, out doing Lucifer's bidding, who in turn is doing God's bidding; having you round up fallen angels. Yep, Lucifer is still an angel. And there goes the plot: last boss battle pits you against a fallen Lucifer, calling it now! But really, this game looks like an acid trip, meets Okami, meets the Old Testament. And that is totally a good thing. The trailer is on the long side as it's pretty story heavy, but I promise the dreamy and tripped out visuals will keep you entertained for the duration.
So let's recap; we have an interesting plot based upon religion, trippy graphics, smooth platforming, a flowing battle system and Lucifer wearing a two-piece suit. Hmm.. Move over Katamari Damacy, I think recreational drug users have just found their new game of choice.
el shaddai,
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