GTA Vice City Re-Release?

Rumor on the streets is that we may be in store for a re-release of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Amazing news, seeing as how Vice City was the last good Rockstar game for consoles. Don't get me wrong, I liked GTA4, but Vice City was just so vibrant, full of life, fun, and funny. After Vice City, it just seemed like Rockstar started taking themselves way to seriously and forgot to have fun with any following titles. But that's a conversation for another post.
The Aussie Classification Board has a listing for GTA: Vice City, stating that the game is a modified version. What does modified mean? New great graphics in HD, with multiplayer? We can dream, can't we? It's most likely a remake for a handheld system, but nonetheless, it's nice to see my favorite and possibly the best GTA game get some love.
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