Miranda Lawson is Genetically Engineered Cosplay Perfection

Miranda Lawson, Mass Effect 2's genetically engineered perfect woman, is hot. Some might say her suit is more fitting to work a pole than to cleanse the universe of genocidal robot-gods, but damn, dat ass.
Do I feel odd admitting this? Maybe a little, but I don't care. Besides, Miranda is modeled after a real woman, a real good looking woman at that. So seeing this Miranda cosplay made my heart skip a beat. Not only because Miranda's real-life avatar, Jessika F., is a looker but because of the detail Dark Stars put into the shoot and post processing. Omnitools, geth, mechs, skintight suit, Cerberus agents, it's all there.
Make sure you check out the whole photo set. Not to be missed if you're a fan of Mass Effect, hot cosplay chicks, great photoshop work, or all of the above.
via Kotaku

Reader Comments (1)
Now that's what I'm talking about.