Every Day The Same Dream

I like flash games. Every Day The Same Dream is kind of a flash game. I use the term game loosely because it seems to be more of a social commentary than a game. Games are meant to be tools to escape reality and find ourselves a place of enjoyment, or are sometimes used to present education in an entertaining way.
Every Day The Same Dream, feels like more of an independent short film than anything else. The fact that you have control of the focal character, and that you can control the ways in which a few days of his life play out make it a game. However, there is no beginning. There is not much in terms of an end. There is no explanation to why things are happening they way they are in the life of this faceless man, who could be you or me.
Is there even any fun to be had playing this "game?" I don't think so. Yet for some reason, after playing through and figuring out how to complete the very loose story, the experience dwindled in my thoughts as I went through my morning routine. What you've just read may make you want to avoid Every Day The Same Dream, but you should really play through it, from start to end.

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