Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes Demo Available Tomorrow

Are you a fan of Japanese history and ridiculously over-the-top characters and fighting? Well then use a sick day for work tomorrow, Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes, the balls-to-the-wall action game loosely based on Japan's feudal era is coming to a PS3 near you.
Samurai Heroes' demo will be available tomorrow, Tuesday September 7th, exclusively on PSN. Sorry Wii owners, you'll have to wait until release day for your fix. Sorry Xbox 360 owners, you'll have to wait until.. Never! This game is not for you!
The demo will feature two playable warlords of the fifteen-plus available in the retail version of the game. So whether you're the type of person who is happy strictly playing demos, or you've been sitting wide eyed in a dark corner, with a case of the shakes waiting to get your styletastic fix of 16th century Japan, hop onto PSN and give Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes a hack and/or slash tomorrow.

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