Sony Brings Multiple URLs Together to Form a Move Marketing Voltron

Check out Sony's marketing for Playstation Move. It's one site that is comprised of about 7 unique URLs, each serving a specific purpose. Have a mother or girlfriend who you need to convince to buy you a Move? Enlist the help of the Sensitive Fireman, who will be damned if appealing to your woman's soft side won't net you some glowy motion controlled goodness. Unsure of how Move stacks up to the competition? Try Move vs. Stuff. Need to catch up with the latest Move trailers and promos? Move Candy has you covered. Last but surely not least, if you're leaning toward the purchase of a Kinect rather than a Playstation Move, Yay Buttons makes an argument targeted indirectly at Microsoft's motion tracking system, and quite cleverly too. Say what you will about Sony and Playstation 3, but their marketing is always top notch.
Yay Buttons and Sensitive Fireman are definitely the best of the bunch, but the other URLs serve their purpose as well. It's a neat little site thrown together by the folks at Sony, and even if you're not ready to drop the money on motion controlled gaming yet, you should at least give it 5 minutes of your time for some information on the system, and a bit of fun.
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