Fantasy Based on Reality: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Today is all about the Final Fantasy news, hot on the heels of a big Square Enix production event. Firstly, it was announced that the Final Fantasy XIII-2 is definitely happening, as last weeks domain registration alluded to. As direct sequels in the Final Fantasy world should not, and will not exist (to me, anyway) I won't mention it any further. Just know that it's due for release in 2011 in Japan, on Xbox 360 and PS3, with no western release mentioned.
Secondly, the mysterious FinalFantasyType0 domain registered a few weeks ago, belongs to a game of the same name, which is the new name for Final Fantasy Agito XIII, the PSP 2-UMD exclusive. Final Fantasy Type-0 is dated for this summer in Japan, again with no mention made of a western release.
Finally, Final Fantasy Versus XIII. It's something we've known about for what seems like an eternity now. Then why is it that no one has any real solid information regarding the title, no heavy screenshots or trailers? Odds are Square Enix are just being super tight with this one, minimizing leaks while they attempt to get the Final Fantasy series back to the legendary status that the past few games have missed completely. Today though, we get a nice dose of Versus XII.
A good 7 minutes of trailer is the reward for Final Fantasy fans who've been patiently waiting Versus XIII out. A lot can happen in 7 minutes; you can make out with an ugly chick in a closet at a junior high school house party, or you can watch Noctis, Versus XIII's protagonist do everything from being emo, to fighting groups of soldiers, to piloting mechs, to taking a stroll in a grassy field. No matter what Noctis is doing, it looks incredibly good. Don't let the low quality of the trailer deceive you, the CG and the engine footage, are beautiful. If you doubt it, just give it a week or so when the video will be clear, sexy HD, as opposed to a second hand recording.
I'm loving Versus XIII's modern fantasy feel. Part of the allure to me is that I could see all of this happening in the middle of Shibuya on my next trip to Japan. It's an interesting direction to take the series, one that I think will pay off in its broad appeal. And in case you're wondering, Final Fantasy Versus XIII will remain a PS3 exclusive.
via VG247
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