Marvel vs. Capcom 3 DLC Shows New Costumes, Teases New Characters

If you have yet to purchase Marvel vs. Capcom 3, I ask you this: what the hell is wrong with you?! While you're busy lollygagging on possibly 2011 most anticipated release, Capcom is making moves on the DLC tip. They got schedules, schedules of DLC that detail what you'll miss if you haven't copped Marvel vs. Capcom 3 yet, and what date you'll miss it.
Landing on March 1 is the first of many costume packs, which re-outfits 6 of your fighters in stylish new duds. Ryu gets thrown back to his Street Fighter gear, complete with terrible slippers. Dante gets ladies with his fathers features in his Sparda outfit. Chris Redfield gets hooked up in his duds from the original Resident Evil, though unfortunately he doesn't bring his stroke face with him. On the Marvel side of things, Thor rocks his tried and true 80's suit that I grew up with. It's not quite Beta Ray Bill, but it will have to do for now. Iron Man gets all TSA on your ass with his Iron Patriot gear that was worn by Norman Osborn for a hot minute. And saving the best for last, Captain America lets his locks hang, with the maskless Steve Rogers look, complete with the sweet freakin' shield. This pack runs you $5 on PSN, or 400 MS points if you're using funny money.
Also dropping March 1 is the first Shadow Mode DLC pack, which allows you to play against AI controlled characters who are programmed to fight in the style of several notable Capcom staffers; producer Ryota Niitsuma, along with assistant producer Akihito Kadowaki and a namless "QA team leader". Bet he's the worst of the bunch!
And finally, news from the rumor mill. Everybody who's anybody knows about the first two downloadable characters, Shuma Gorath and Jill Valentine. Now grain of salt, but a eagle-eyed reader of Destructoid did some digging in Marvel vs. Capcom 3's coding and found two things of interest. Namely Frank West and Doctor Octopus, who either will be added as DLC or are left over code as character that didn't make the final cut. It was already said that Frank West was in an early build of the game and cut at the last minute, but fuck it, keep fingers crossed these guys get added in. I would love to whoop some ass with Doc Ock.

Reader Comments (3)
That is actually Steve Rogers as he is now new director for SHIELD, since he is no longer Captain America anymore.
Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
Captain America’s costume looks a lot like Spiderman. On the other side, Thor’s 80’s suit rocks!