Killzone 3 Says "Get Used to These Odds"

I was greeted this morning by a package courtesy of PlayStation and Guerilla Games containing a Killzone 3 branded bag full of Army Men. Awesome! I haven't played with Army Men since some time last year, so it is very pleasing that I'll be hitting my yearly Army Men quota early in 2011.
These aren't just any old little green plastic men though, they come in custom ISA and Helghast flavors. While the ISA trooper looks like your typical soldier, the Helghast all rock their iconic masks, complete adorably evil red specs. Also of interest, the fact that the pack contains 11 total figures; 10 Helghast to 1 ISA soldier. Nope, it's not a mistake. It's just getting us used to the overwhelming odds we'll have to face in Killzone 3.
If you haven't preordered it already, you can pick up Killzone 3 this coming Tuesday, February 22 in North America, and three days later in Europe. Check back soon for our review.

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