Dragon Age II Demo Hawkes Your Platform of Choice on Feb. 22

Earlier this week, there was some back and forth on the status of a Dragon Age II demo. It's happening, no it's not, it is but only for PC, yadda yadda yadda. Well screw all that noise, the final word from BioWare is that a demo will be available on the big three of PS3, X360, and PC. Holla!
The demo will allow you to choose from three different character classes and split skulls through the game's prologue. Your mini-adventure will wrap up Kirkwall, a place of some importance, where you befriend one of your possible romantic interests. Don't get it twisted, you will only befriend, if you want sexy time you're going to have to buy the full version of the game, pervert.
At the completion of the demo, you'll unlock a special weapon, Hayder's Razor, which will give you all kind of awesome stat buffs in the full release of Dragon Age II, which drops on March 8.
Ready your EA account logins, y'all.

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