PAX East 2011

While many folks may have already anchored in Boston for this weekends PAX East festivities, we at OBG haven't left our base of New York yet. Why? Because we take our sweet ass time (and because I can't call out sick at my day job!), but shit gets real tonight!
Since we love our readers as much as we do, we'll be busting our butts covering as much as we can for y'all. Make sure you check back nightly for analysis of the awesomeness we happen upon. For the impatient ones, follow @itsOBG on Twitter, as we'll be talking shit about PAX East in 140 characters or less. Timely updates, artsy photos, wonderous splendor, you name it!
Can't make it to Boston but got something in particular you're dying to see? Holla at us, we'll be your eyes and ears and get it back to you, no palm-greasing required. We got your backs!

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