Uncharted 3 Mutliplayer is Doing Big Thangs

Naughty Dog wants you to play Uncharted 3's multiplayer. Not only do they want to you play it, they want it to be the only game you ever look to for mulitplayer if you own a PS3. Yeah, doin' thangs.
A trailer from the developer shows a little bit of what to expect when you hop online to do some fragging in Uncharted 3. Cinematic shootouts, collapsing buildings, what's not to love? One thing that's odd to see, Nathan and Sully mixing it up in the multiplayer. Are they just skins that anyone can apply and use? Could get a little confusing to see three Hawaiian shirted Sullys taking cover next to each other, but I guess it could be worse right? It could suck. Fortunately, sucking seems to be the last thing Naughty Dog is worried about.
Make sure your schedule is completely open in late June/early July. You can get yourself some Uncharted 3 mutliplayer beta starting June 28. You might wanna sign up for PlayStation Plus a little ahead of time.

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