Get Your Red Faction: Armageddon On Sooner, Then Later

Show of hands, who here loves Red Faction? Sweet, so do I. Look at that, we have so much in common. Are you busy Friday night? Maybe we can enjoy a candle light dinner followed by some Guerrilla action. But I digress! This is a good news/bad news post. As usual, you'll get the bad news first.
The bad: the release of Red Faction: Armageddon will be delayed. I hear the collective groan, but wait, let me finish. The delay is only a week, which is completely bearable. The date has been bumped back to June 7, as opposed to the scheduled release of May 31. That gives you plenty of buffer time to finish up with L.A. Noire.
Now the good, so you can leave this post feeling positive about life. Mark May 3 on your calendar, because that will be the day that we all receive the Red Faction: Armageddon demo on Xbox Live and PSN. Though who knows if the latter will ever be back online, let alone by May 3.
When I spent some hands on time with Red Faction: Armageddon at PAX East last month, I walked away thoroughly impressed. And though I didn't get to try any of what we'll probably see in the demo -which I'm sure is a sliver of the campaign mode - messing around in Ruin Mode, putting all of the glorious instruments of destruction through their paces made my evil little heart flutter with sadistic glee. Really looking forward to this one.

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