Watch Out /r/gaming, Raptr in the House, Swag Giveaway Impending

Aggregator sites like Reddit and digg have long been popular with just about any savvy internet patron; no matter your odd obsession or relentless need to consume as much media as possible, you will find a home on these aggregators. The problem is, while customization exists, it becomes far too much of a chore to find content tailored for you amongst the thousands of unique entries submitted daily in a category as prolific as gaming. Enter the new-and-improved Raptr.
For many of us, Raptr is no secret. As a well established social community for gamers across platforms, Raptr features a base that's stronger than 6 million gamers worldwide, and growing. Raptr allows you communicate with friends across Xbox LIVE, PSN and Steam through your instant messaging client of choice, tracks your achievements and trophies, as well as compiling stats and more. This week, Raptr has rolled out an upgrade to it's social experience to rival the likes of other big aggregators sites, as well as purely social sites such as Facebook and Twitter, strictly for gaming.
Tell Raptr what game you're currently playing and it will create a feed of relevant information pertaining to your game of choice. Easier yet, tell Raptr what your name is on XBL/PSN/Steam, and it will create a stream of personalized information tailored exactly to what you play and what you enjoy. Algorithmic magic - compiled along with your recent, auto-imported gaming history - assures you stay up to date with old classics and current favorites alike, with unique, user-submitted information based for each member. Have a cool link about L.A. Noire you want to share? Throw it at Raptr and it will share your story with millions of other would-be detectives across the broad user base. Bored, without a new game that's particularly caught your eye? Raptr will even suggest games you may be interested based on some of your past history. There could be something here for everyone, and that's only the bare basics of this gaming network.
As much as I wish Raptr were paying me for this plug, they're not, but I'm cool with that. I like my aggregator sites, but they're a damn mess, especially when it comes to gaming. Not only does Raptr simplify that process, but it keeps you in touch with friends, allows you to get involved in conversations and with your own submissions, and keeps track of your progress. OBG has it's own little home over there, why don't you follow us?
Finally, swag. You thought I forgot? To celebrate Raptr's shiny new interface launch, the site is giving away tons of goodies during the "Summer of Raptr" sweetstakes. What do you win? Raptr-branded apparel, games, Microsoft Point cards, and additional accessories and peripherals from GUNNAR, Logitech, Astro Gaming, and more. How do you win? Keep reading OBG and try out Raptr. When the time for free shit comes, you will know.
Why not give Raptr a shot? Let us know what you think in the comments.

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