Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta Goes Live Today

You will discover what Drake's Deception is all about on 11/11/11. In the meantime, experience first hand how Drake, Sully, and an army of nameless mercenaries go about fragging each other, as early as June 28!
That's right folks, today is the big release of Uncharted 3's multiplayer beta, available only to owners of Infamous 2 and PlayStation Plus members, which is just about everyone, innit? After the PlayStation Network debacle, free PS Plus was liberally handed out to all parties affected by the outage, and thus Uncharted 3 multiplayer is about to face one of the greatest first day stress tests a beta has ever come up against. For the general public without PlayStation Plus or Infamous 2, your time will come on Tuesday July 5. The beta will conclude on Thursday July 14, so make the best of your time with Drake and friends while you can!
If you, like me, have been waiting all day for your fix of Uncharted 3, your patience is about to pay off. The beta will hit PSN for download at 2pm Pacific, 5pm Eastern; aka the only time zones that matter. If you're somewhere outside or between the two, Naughty Dog's Twitter will let you know when its baby has gone live.
You can find much more detailed info about the Uncharted 3 beta at PlayStation.Blog, which I suggest you hit up so you know exactly what to be prepared for. Rotating maps and gametypes, stereoscopic 3D support, split-screen with a friend, and rank up to the max level of 25 to secure some nice bonuses!
You have about an hour to catch up with what you need to know before you can queue up the near-two gig download. And after that, you'll have another hour to say your prayers while the download completes. I'm gunning for you, sucka!
via PlayStation.Blog

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