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Insanely Awesome Twisted Shadow Planet Anticipation

It's been in development for a while - since 2007 to be exact - but Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet is finally coming together and pushing toward a release during this year's Xbox LIVE Summer of Arcade promotion. Finally!

I'm just going to go ahead and say I absolutely cannot wait for ITSP. It's like ICP, except not totally lame. Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet has most things I want in a game; insanity, twisting, shadows.. Stuff like that. It's got the highly detailed minimalist art style of a Limbo or Outland, Metroidvania style exploration, the tricky physics of flying an alien spacecraft, what looks to be pretty hellacious difficulty, and music by Norwegian metal band Dimmu Borgir. I have never listened to them, but my girlfriend hates them. Sounds like a ringing endorsement! 

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