GC10: Knights Contract is a Tough Old Bastard

Knights Contract, a game that opened my eyes back during E3, has returned with a brand new trailer for us to salivate over. It's bittersweet, since it's all cinematic and no gameplay, but that's not turning me off. The gameplay previously shown is good enough for me to trust the action will be hot and fast, like a night in the sack with yours truly.
This trailer seems to establish our heroes' identity in Europe during the middle ages, facing overwhelming odds against bloodthirsty beasts. The protagonist is a scarred up, grizzled old badass who grunts off cannonball-sized holes in his stomach with the surliness of a true immortal. His ladyfriend is a reincarnated witch of immense power, who he hopes to keep alive long enough to reverse his "curse" of immortality. Curse? Am I the only one who thinks being immortal would be crazy?
Knights Contract, due out on PS3 and 360 in 2011, looks like a hybrid of Ninja Gaiden, Demon's Souls, and Monster Hunter. Sounds like a great mix. I'm looking forward to seeing more in the future, let's hope this one doesn't disappoint.