
What if we told you that there's this game in which you take control of a wise cracking protagonist who John Woos two pistols, keeps a sword on his back, and can regenerate from apparent death? You'd say "holy shit, Deadpool: The Game!" Yeah RIGHT! Who are you kidding buddy? Too good to be true. No, this game is NeverDead, a new story from the guys at Konami, who by the way had a pretty nice E3 showing this year. NeverDead has quietly generated a bit of buzz for itself, because we love (most) things that aren't sequels or reboots.
Seeing the initial screenshots for the game, I thought it looked pretty neat. Now after watching the trailer, I gotta say this protagonist seems like he'd get pretty annoying after a few hours. And the gameplay footage left a little to be desired. Third person shooter has now become synonymous with Vanquish. Sorry NeverDead, but you do have a promising future. We will not pass by with disinterest next time you appear, and that is a good start for you, amongst the expansive crop of crap.