GC10: Epic Mickey Underwhelms with Campiness

Not a big Disney guy. I was when I was like eight. These days, not so much. For obvious reasons, I had been ignoring Epic Mickey as much as possible, and I'd like to think I've done well at it. Rumblings of Disney's whiny-ass mascot have been brushed aside without a care in the world, swiftly and with extreme bias.
Since Epic Mickey's introductory cinematic has been released, I could no longer maintain my vow of indifference. No, watching 4-plus minutes of adorable rodent hi jinx has enlightened me. Enlightened me to the fact that I was right not to think Epic Mickey would be anything world-shatteringly awesome.
Maybe not even remotely so. I don't mind Warren Spector, but he's doing his best Peter Molyneux to get the snowball rolling on Epic Mickey. Bold statements and extravagant intentions? Check. Unfulfilled promises? Maybe..
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Disney/Mickey hater, I just happen to think Disney Interactive is trying to cash in on property gamers are already wary of with a less than adequate product. Maybe you guys should just keep milking Kingdom Hearts? I guess we'll see what happens on November 18th.