Mutilate Beasties with Your Facebook Friends in Dragon Age Legends

Like it or not, Facebook is a viable gaming platform, at least for casual, social games. Don't believe it? Dragon Age Legends, the latest series tie in, is a Facebook game, and it's getting a closed beta. Closed beta for a Facebook game? You bet your Qunari ass.
If you want in on the beta, sign up here. Deep character customization and co-op play sound like good reason to break out the EA account login, no? Additionally, closed beta participants will receive Death’s Hand Armor, inspired by Jade Empire, for their hero once Dragon Age Legends enters open beta.
If you plan on laying fools out with Hawke in Dragon Age II, it may behoove you to give Legends a shot, as up to five exclusive DA2 items will only be available to players of Dragon Age Legends. Players who purchase and log in to Dragon Age II by March 15th will also receive a special BioWare Signature pack the next time they log in to Dragon Age Legends. This includes Hawke as a companion character, amongst other in-game goodies.