GC10: Brink is S.M.A.R.Ter Than Your Average FPS

I'm just going to come out and say what we're all thinking. Dev Diaries are torture. Sure they're full of interesting and eye-opening info, but they're also heavy on the filler, padding the gaps between golden gameplay footage with talking heads. Why can't we have the devs talking over the footage? Because then no one gets screen time, and we can't have that, can we? Though we see devs as mythical beasts who work 80 hour weeks in one of the hardest and most fulfilling professions in the world, they are vain humans just like you and me.
So anyway, Brink looks awesome. This dev diary explains Brink's S.M.A.R.T. system, Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain. The parkour looks good, as does the combat aspect, if a little bland thus far. Though in a 16 player match, running on walls and vaulting over railings while nailing a headshot with a semi-automatic pistol sounds like it could create beautiful bloodshed not seen since The Opera.
I hope developers Splash Damage can figure out a way to add some sort of third-person view, either through a chase cam or replay system. While Mirror's Edge pulled off the first person parkour well, and Brink looks to do the same, as stylish as some multiplayer kill runs are going to be, it'll be a shame to not be able to see them in the third person.
Side note: I love the devs. Most of them anyway. Keep doing what you do! Also, what came first, the acronym or the definition?