Google, Me?

Word on the internets has it that Google is in the advanced stages of creating a social networking site to rival Facebook.
And thus, Google's master plan of world domination continues. It's amazing to me how quickly they roll out quality goods and services, the broad range of categories they cover, and the staggering percentage of positive feedback and publicity they get.
World Domination I tells ya.
Google is not a total n00b in the social networking scene, having rolled out their Twitter competitor, Google Buzz, to less than rave reviews. They gaffed the privacy big time on that one. And if there's one thing these days you don't want to fuck with, it's the environment and the pretentious green movement. But second to that, and more pertinent to this article, is privacy. Facebook knows this too well, after some privacy problems of their own to go along with some choice comments from the CEO.
Well Google, here's your chance. You fucked up so badly with Buzz, you'll know how to do it right this time, won't you? A lot of people are ready to abandon ship on Facebook because of it's privacy concerns, but won't do it because it's the only real middle ground social networking site. Google Me has a chance to steal a nice chunk of Facebook's audience and corner another market that it forcefully stole from a well established leader. Let's see if they screw this up.