Notch to Bethesda: COME AT ME BRO

Markus ‘Notch’ Persson, creator of Minecraft and head of game dev company Mojang Specifications is a little bit of a badass. Following the success of the indie hit Minecraft, the Mojang team has moved on to their latest project, named Scrolls. A trademark of the title has been seen by Bethesda has infringement on their Elder Scrolls trademark, thus litigation ensues. Notch, in true Phoenix Wright form, has some objections to that. Like most normal people, Notch doesn’t want to get caught up in courtroom proceedings, be it for financial issues or time investments. His solution? Quake 3.
"I challenge Bethesda to a game of Quake 3. Three of our best warriors against three of your best warriors.” Yup, he just took it there. Notch’s terms would have each side select a map, and have the order randomized. After 20 minute matches, the team with the highest frag count would be declared the winner. Should team Mojang triumph, Bethesda must drop the lawsuit. If team Bethesda emerges victorious, Notch must change the title of Scrolls to something Bethesda won’t get ticked off at.
I’m sure Notch is aware that Bethesda is in cahoots with id Software, creator of the Quake series. For him to lay down a challenge, and possibly face the creators of his chosen playing field is ballsy indeed. As awesome as it would be, I would be surprised if Bethesda took him up on his offer. Big mistake on their part, if they live streamed those matches, imagine the hits and publicity? Regardless of who loses, everybody wins!