Could Fallout Become a Reality? Ask Michio Kaku

Michio Kaku is the freakin' man. There's simply no other way to put it. An incredibly well-spoken futurist, physicist, and co-founder of string field theory, he teaches classes in my stomping grounds, at the very affordable New York City universities, and has a penchant for camera time and discussing video games. What is there to not like about this guy?
GameTrailers has a great series of videos where some dude who looks like a pothead Jesus is humbled by the vast expanse of Dr. Kaku's knowledge. When you get a chance, I recommend giving them a watch, they're pretty entertaining. In this clip, Dr. Kaku tackles the question of whether or not the events of the Fallout universe could really happen. The short answer? Michio Kaku has the strength and intelligence to make anything happen, people.