Game of Souls: The Game of Thrones Fighting Game

Click to expand for a better view, guess them all for serious props!
Some time early this year, I came to the shocking realization that I'm a senseless addict to the crack which is Game of Thrones. It started as a simple gravitation toward Sean Bean, blossomed into snapping at my roommate and girlfriend for chatting during an episode, and continues to manifest itself as fervent book reading during the lull between seasons two and three of HBO's adaptation of George R. R. Martin's epic. It only make sense that I find a way to bring together two things which I love: A Song of Ice and Fire's beautifully depressing universe and video games.
Using the gratuitous character creation tools of Soul Calibur V, I created a real (fake) Game of Thrones fighting game, the likes of which has been dreamt up by numerous geeks, I'm sure. The result is Game of Souls, 40 custom characters which span all of HBO's season one and two arcs, which cover ASOIAF's A Game of Thrones and A Clash of Kings, respectively. Some characters unfortunately didn't make the cut (Jory, Rodrik, etc) and not all of the characters logically belong, but it sure is fun to extract Stark vengeance from some Lannister ass with Hodor!
Unfortunately, while capturing glorious hi-def battle footage, my hard drive crapped out, leaving me with insufficient space to capture all the goods. So until I can come upon a new hard drive, enjoy this teaser image of all created characters and a shitty clip of Arya Stark squaring off against Tywin Lannister (some of the best exchanges in season 2, as a matter of fact.)