Rockman Online Blows Minds, Cities

South Korean exclusive Rockman Online has released an animated teaser trailer that is chock-full of amazing. I was overcome with feelings of nostalgia, euphoria, and childish glee that I had not experienced since the first time I loaded up Rockman 8.
As with any good Rockman/Megaman title, there's a lot to process in this clip. Characters from the original series are present and looking good; the first game's robot masters, Protoman in traditional anti-hero fashion, my personal favorite Bass, and of course Megaman himself. Then we're thrown a curve when we see some of Mega Man X's supporting cast urgently working the consoles in a command center. Whaaaat ?! Can we expect to see Sigma? Zero? VILE?!
Gamers with roots in classic gaming will always love Megaman, so logically this trailer has gotten the lot of us piqued. At least until we remember that it's Rockman Online is a South Korean exclusive that currently has no plans to be released elsewhere. Though once Capcom notices the amount of buzz the side-scroller with RPG elements is receiving, they'll be hard pressed to not port it over and give us Mega Man Online.