3D Pixels Are Blowing Up in Voxatron

Voxatron is a game made of voxels. Voxels are 3D pixels, found in games such as 3D Dot Game Heroes and Fez. Both voxels and Voxatron look awesome. The independently developed title has been making its way around the interwebz for a week or more now, however time constraints have prevented me from making any mention of it.
A little 3D Dot Game Heroes, and a little Smash TV, and a little Link to the Past, with a banging chiptune soundtrack seems to be what primarily comprises Voxatron. Due out in August 2011 for PC and Mac, developers Lexaloffle Games -- which I can't say without thinking of the rofflecopter -- haven't announced any plans for a console release yet, but I have a feeling we'll see Voxatron on our big screens before it's all said and done.
Keep this one in mind, y'all.