Zone of the Enders Immortalized by way of Revoltech

Does anyone remember Zone of the Enders? Konami and Hideo Kojima's awesome futuristic mech battle game for the PlayStation 2? I hope you say yes, but I wouldn't be surprised if you say no. For a series with such promise, it was dreadfully undermarketed and went underdeveloped, never quite reaching it's full potential.
As a lover of both video games and action figures, I'm thrilled to discover that Zone of the Enders will be getting the plastic treatment, by way of my favorite line of figures, Kaiyodo's Revoltech line. Revoltech figures have incredible articulation, making just about any pose possible, and come with tons of accessories to assure your Orbital Frame is fully outfitted for any situation.
The lovely Jehuty figure will be available in Japan starting April 15th, for about 2,850 yen, which is approximately $35 for you importers. If you're an action figure head I'm sure you have your go-to spot for this sort of thing, be it local, or online. If you're new to the world of high-quality plastics and are looking for an easy in, why don't you try Big Bad Toy Store as the release date gets a little closer?
CyberGundam, via Tomopop