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    E3: Star Wars The Force Unleashed II

    It's been a few weeks since we've last heard from Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2. Previously, the reveal trailer showed Starkiller, alive and well, unleashing a world of pain on the biggest freaking Rancor I've ever seen. No gameplay. But OH HEY, Starkiller has dual sabers now. AND Yoda got his back.

    Now, a few weeks later, we have another TFU2 trailer. Still no gameplay, but I'll be damned if LucasArts doesn't make some kickass cinematics. I can't imagine the game mechanics for TFU2 being much of a departure from the first. Some new powers, and power combinations, some new melee moves and combos. That's it? The first game got a lot of shit for having a lot of hype and not really delivering, but I will admit I enjoyed it. You can't tell me you didn't get a kick out of charging a storm trooper with force lightning, and flinging him off a bridge into a TIE fighter that's trying to shoot you down. Fuck yeah. Aside from that though, I actually liked the story, call me crazy.

    If nothing else, at least The Force Unleashed 2 is giving us an awesome trailer. Oh and by the way, Vader, if you're reading this.. Why would you leave it to stormtroopers to kill a Sith? Idiot.

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