Final Fantasy 3:16

I used to be a hardcore Final Fantasy XI player. I'm talking about missing two or three consecutive days of work so I can farm Yagudo necklaces and be a the most badass THF/NIN EVAR! That was a long time ago. Since then, I've moved on to less time consuming MMOs, such as World of Warcraft, and when that became too possessive of me, City of Villains. Now I refuse to play any MMO due to the time investment required for it to pay off. Until Star Wars The Old Republic drops. Then I'm quitting my job and never showering again!
I'm getting off track here. The point I wanted to initially make, is that Stone Cold Steve Austin is a playable character in Final Fantasy XIV. Yes, Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin 3:16. WHAT? The Stunner. The Thesz Press. The beer drinking bottom line is in Final Fantasy XIV 'cuz Stone Cold says so. Don't believe me? See for yourself:
via Kotaku

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