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    Super Mario Bros. Crossover

    What would you give to blast through the mushroom kingdom with the testosterone driven protagonist of Contra? How about down-thrusting some Goombas with link? Super Mario Brothers Crossover is an ingenious flash game that allows you to do just that. In the latest update, you can choose from Samus, Ryu Hayabusa, Megaman, Simon Belmont, Bill from Contra, Link, or plain old Mario. And if you have no idea who any of those characters are, you are already a failure and this game will probably be way too hard for you. So back off, pal. Whichever character you pick, you get to play with their classic theme music, which makes it even better!

    Fans of classic gaming, mash-ups, and time killers at work will want to check this out. So go ahead, click the following link to get your ass kicked in some 8-bit gaming!

    Super Mario Bros. Crossover

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