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TGS 2010: Devil May Cry Shoots, Slashes, Changes Hair

Capcom Japan has enlisted the help of Capcom USA and developers Ninja Theory (Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, Heavenly Sword) to reboot one of their classic series, Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry's attitude-having star, Dante, has undergone some serious changes from when we last saw him. Notably younger, thinner, a whole lot more beat up, and he seems to have lost his signature white hair. This new Dante, with his shoddy European/Japanese punk influenced attire, badly abused face, and emo flop hair looks to be more suited for a supporting role in Trainspotting than Devil May Cry, but don't let looks deceive you. He kicks ass just like the Leon Kennedy-haired Dante of old, so there should be no real reason for concern. Fanboys, however, will always find something to bitch about.

Change it seems is hardly ever welcome in gaming, so it's no surprise that the new look has DMC supporters taken aback. Who knew the white mop top was such a hit with kids these days? Dante's makeover might not be familiar territory, but come on, it doesn't look bad. Besides, he's much younger than he was in previous titles, so who's to say there won't be storyline to describe why, if his hair turns white?

The bottom line, before all else, should be that Dante plays like Dante. And if the trailer is any indication, it looks like he will. My problem with Heavenly Sword was that it played a bit too wonky and unrefined. It looks like Ninja Theory fixed that problem with Enslaved, but they screwed up the character designs. With Capcom and key members from the original DMC games closely involved in the reboot, I think gamers should feel comfortable knowing that this title will deliver. 

Devil May Cry Gallery (7 images)

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