PSN's Malicious is a Boss Rush

Malicious looks really, really good. The boss-centric gameplay tosses you into the thick of things at the start of each freely selectable map, doing away with stage progression and things of the like. In true Megaman fashion, you're able to select your stage from the get go, acquire defeated boss power-ups, and implement them moving forward to defeat other bosses in the style of Rock, Paper, Scissors.
While the art is beautiful and the action is visceral, a game primarily consisting boss battles will undoubtedly be on the short side. Thankfully, as a PSN title, Malicious shouldn't cost more than a cool twenty. If this title stays true to form, it looks to be a definite buy.
Malicious will release in Japan later this year. Hopefully it gets ported stateside, for some reason, something about it screams Japan exclusive to me. I hope I'm wrong.
via Andriasang
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