Review: Dead Rising: Case 0

Capcom's quirky zombie apocalypse series, Dead Rising, is known for it's happy-go-lucky take on slaughtering the undead, and using anything as a weapon. The first entry in the series was well enough received to warrant a sequel. And while Dead Rising 2 is a little under a month away, Capcom offers fans a chance to whet their necromorph killing whistle with the downloadable prequel, Dead Rising: Case 0. Is the rending of rotting flesh worth five dollars?
I previously lauded Capcom for their handling of Case 0; a demo of an upcoming game that also plays as it's own title altogether. It has a storyline to set the stage for the full title, gameplay that gives us a feel for what to expect, it's own set of achievements, and stats, skills, and weapons that carry over, should you decide to buy Dead Rising 2. This my first hands on with Dead Rising's latest incarnation, so I played it not only as a standalone game, but as a gauge of Dead Rising 2's aptitude.
Case 0 is well worth the $5 entry fee, offering hours of gameplay, multiple endings, and plenty of land to explore in the fictional town of Still Creek. The original Dead Rising was not without it's flaws, and while DR2/C:0 improves on certain aspects and even adds other interesting pieces, there are still some things that bother me. While the $60 tag on Dead Rising 2 may not be for everyone, Case 0's five-buck jump in should not be passed up.
+ Hours of gameplay with multiple endings
+ Everything earned in the demo carries over to the full game
+ large map, plenty of weapons, and interesting story well worth $5
I have some beefs with the gameplay that are unfair to air out in this review. For those concerns, check back on my review of the full game, should I decide to buy it. Case 0, as a demo and a standalone XBLA game, is a winner and should be played by everyone. At less than the price of most DLC, why not decide for yourself whether or not Dead Rising 2 is worth a buy?
Disclaimer: This review does NOT reflect my opinion on the full $60 release of Dead Rising 2.
Buy it if: You own an Xbox 360
Don't buy it if: You're broke
Value out of $5: $5
The Score: 8 outta 10 Blasters!

Reader Comments (1)
That's it? Are the graphics improved or the same? How is the voice acting? Is it reminiscent of Resident Evil's awesome B-movie voice acting? How is the story? What about the new weapons system?