The Gameplay of Bioshock Infinite

Today, the good folks at Irrational Games have opened to the public that which was only previously available to the press behind closed doors; Bioshock Infinite gameplay.
As much hype as Bioshock Infinite has been receiving since it's announcement, it would be a damn let down to have anything other than primo in-game action in this reveal, and Irrational knows it. So they went and gave us a huge ten minute chunk which looks to be taken right from the early stages of the game, and man, does it look polished. This is definitely a Bioshock game, as the action and use of 'plasmids' picks up right where it all left off in Rapture. The graphics are silky smooth and beautiful in action. The cartoonish art style, which seems to be gaining some popularity recently, spares no details and is beginning to grow on me. I can imagine the game handling very tightly and responding well to user commands, as the first Bioshock did under Irrational's watchful eye.
I have some concerns with the game that I'll be sure to cover down the line, but right now, gameplay is not one of them. Irrational and 2K Games have definitely served their purpose well today, judging by the good amount of positive press this trailer has gotten. Let the injection of new Bioshock Infinite media continue!

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