Grand Theft Auto V Retreads Familiar Territory

Here it is, kids. Rockstar has finally released the first trailer for GTA V, and I must say, I am disappoint. Of course, no post about a Rockstar title would be complete without my infamous jaded eye toward the well-recieved juggernaut. It's been a long running friendly feud between R* and myself since I was completely underwhelmed by Red Dead Redemption. Though I was worried about L.A. Noire, and that turned out to be a great game, so anything can happen.
Grand Theft Auto V brings the series back to the West Coast, in what appears to be Los Santos, the fictional equivalent of Los Angeles. If we're to judge by the trailer, I'd say the character speaking is a man of Hispanic descent. He makes it very clear that he's relocated to Los Santos to find a better life for himself and his family, though if this is a GTA game, we know he'll end up becoming involved in some illegal hijinks somehow.
Is it too early to pass judgement? Of course. Though this whole 'former criminal trying to start a new life only to be dragged back into crime' angle is way overplayed, especially in the Grand Theft Auto series. That said, I still don't know 99.9% of the story behind Rockstar's latest. There were some rumors about multiple protagonists, so maybe - hopefully - one of them will come from a different pedigree, who knows. I will say the graphics look incredible, while sticking to the GTA style that fans of the series have come to love. Also, funky music. I can fux with it.
Let the countdown to GTA V trailer #2 begin.

Reader Comments (2)
It's oidd that they choose Los Santos- if they are going to redo a city why don't they revisit Vice City? It's still their best work to date Best soundtrack, best theme, best style. Best ever man.
Yes, the teaser (which is what I'm referring to it as) is underwhelming. Aside from graphics, the whole thing seems rehashed from previous titles. One thing I find interesting is that Rockstar stated that their numbered sequels changes something about the game drastically. Consider GTA III and GTA IV. Although Vice City and San Andreas introduced new elements (bikes, property, changing clothes, aerial vehicles, weapons, etc...), they were built upon GTA III. I wouldn't necessarily consider GTA IV a game changer but it was the first GTA game on the next gen consoles and they did change the game mechanics as well as make Liberty City more like New York City (as they did with Vice City and San Andreas, Miami and Los Angels/ San Francisco/ Las Vegas, respectively). There are certain things to note about this teaser. At 1:06, there is a character being chased by police that does not resemble the protagonist at :41. Maybe there are multiple protagonists. Look again at :25 and we see the same guy that was running from the cops drive the red convertible. Jet skis are back at :19. At :07, there is a couple on the beach with a dog. There were never any animals in previous GTA games. At :34, there is a gym on the beach, which probably means you can change the physique of your character, a la "CJ" from San Andreas. And lastly, there is a jet at 1:01 and a private jet at 1:10. Again, the teaser was underwhelming but Rockstar isn't the type to put all of their eggs in one basket.