Retro City Rampage Release Reveal Date?

Brian Provinciano is a fucking beast. As the man behind my much hyped Retro City Rampage, dude has been putting in work in a multitude of ways. Though there is one particular bone he hasn't thrown us, a release date. Brian and Phil Fish of indie platformer Fez are probably sitting at a wooden roundtable adorned with goats heads, candles, and naked virgins, both cackling madly as they keep their fan bases dangling in suspense.
This here is the latest teaser for Retro City Rampage. It doesn't feature anything new or amazing aside from the 8-bit 1980's lunacy that originally suckered us in. It does, however, have a big 'but' that would make Sir Mix-a-lot pop wood. A very committed non-committal date of February 20, less than two weeks from today.
What could it be? A release date? A reveal of the release date? An incredible trolling? I have no clue, but I am freaking PUMPED for it. This vein on my forehead is ready to burst! Damn you, your beastly ways, and the hemorrhage you are about to cause me, Brian Provinciano!
Edit: A lot of people would be extremely happy to have a Steam version of RCR announced on two-twenty, and you know what? I don't blame them. That would be an awesome addition to this already amazing appearing title.

Reader Comments (1)
I read that as he fucks beasts. So are you saying Brian Provaloniano or whatever is a zoophiliac?