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Entries in cosplay (4)


NYCC'12: Cosplay and Toys

Photography by Ernie Deeb and Eric Blackwood

Two of the geekiest things in the world, also two things I love taking photos of: cosplay and toys. Any Comic Con is one of the best places to get both rocks off at the same time, and boy did we do just that at this year's New York Comic Con. Along with fellow Gangsta Eric, I am very happy to present to you the best photographic eye of New York Comic Con 2012! Fuck yo' camera, Charlie Murphy! 

Favorite costume? Coolest action figure? See yourself amongst the photographic beauty? Make sure you lace the comments below to let us know!

NYCC 12 Cosplay Gallery | NYCC 12 Toy Gallery


Happy Halloween!

It's that time of year again! Happy Halloween readers! Have fun, stay safe, and costume like you mean it! 



New York Comic Con 2011: Cosplay Gallery

Photography by Ernie Deeb & Eric Blackwood

Photography: people suck at it. Whenever I browse convention galleries, I can't help but notice how terrible the photos are. Here at OBG, we try not to suck as bad as some of the other guys when it comes to photography, because we know a good image will make you feel like you're on the show floor with us. So without further ado, here are the notable get-ups from our time at the show. Enjoy!

New York Comic Con 2011: Cosplay


The Sights of San Diego Comic Con 2011

Comic Con was over 2 weeks ago you say? Shut your mouth! Editing photos is a long and arduous task, especially while working a full time job, playing and penning 3 reviews, and on occasion, saving the world from certain doom. I know, I know, cry moar! 

At any rate, here are some of the photos from San Diego Comic Con 2011. You'll find some cosplay, some toys, a bit of cleavage, and a huge heaping of awesome. Break out the soda and popcorn and enjoy the show!

San Diego Comic Con 2011 Gallery