It happens every year. Comic Con rolls around and I'm all pumped about live blogging the coverage with snapshots and tweets and all that goodness. Then the horrible realization dawns that 3G service is unusable in Jacob Javits Center and the sluggish wi-fi is not worth the daily premium. Have I learned my lesson? Not at all. This year I'm on 4G - LTE if you will - and I plan to make that Comic Con show floor my bitch. Will it happen? Probably not. But you know what? Screw it.
I registered as press a little late, and though I just barely made the deadline, my press access was denied so you won't see any behind the scenes, insider shit, but if this plan works you will have the team and myself flossing the press mentality with public access badges. Which means I may be banned, fined, or arrested at some point during the day. Again, screw it.
So my plan for tomorrow is to begin livestreaming and adding photo/text updates shortly after 10am EST, provided AT&T's LTE network is worth a damn. And to make things a little more interesting, leave a comment below with a simple yes or no answer to this question: Will this plan go accordingly? If you answer correctly, you'll be in the running to win a copy of Retro City Rampage for Steam courtesy of my dwindling bank account.
Contest closes on October 12 at 10am sharp, any entries after the deadline will be ignored!
Update: Unfortunately, the plan was a complete failure! I had a feeling LTE would fall just as 3G had fallen before it. Maybe in a few years 5G will be able to handle Javits Center? More than likely not, but a cheapskate who is unwilling to pay $25 for a few hours of crappy wi-fi (see: broke-ass) can dream, can't he?
A winner among those of you who answered 'no' has been selected and contacted via email. For those who answered 'yes', sorry you didn't win but I love your positive energy. You're all winners, sexy, well-endowed, winners at that!