Samurai Dead Rising Features Zombies, Katana, LSD

Capcom's incredible juggernaut push for Dead Rising 2 continues. Most companies would probably cut back the marketing after the incredibly well received Dead Rising: Case 0 broke Xbox Live's week one sales records. Capcom on the other hand seems only to intensify things, now with a tie in called Samurai Dead Rising.
Heavy hitting artist and animator Norio Shioyama, whose massive body of work includes such classics as InuYasha, Armored Trooper Votoms, and The Centurions lends his talents to the psychedelic katana brandishing action of our nameless hero as he mows down the undead in stylistic monochrome. The tripped out visuals are accompanied by a slamming drum and bass selection that fits the art style perfectly. And though the thought provoking clip comes in just a shade under three minutes, it seems that there will be more Samurai Dead Rising shorts in the future. Awesome.
With Dead Rising 2 already cemented as one of Fall's hot releases, the timing of Capcom's zombie slicing samurai skits makes me wonder if there are greater forces at work here. A tease of taking Dead Rising 3 to the feudal period, or maybe samurai DLC? We already know Chuck Greene has proficiency with a katana, as preordering from Gamestop nets you a ninja gi and blade, unlocking a whole new set of assassin moves and animations. Maybe we can expect some samurai garb and a zombie infested bamboo forest sometime down the line.
Whatever the case may be, this Samurai Dead Rising thing has the opportunity to be something epic. Make it hap-pon, Capcom.