Kill Time with Topless Ginger Mountain Climbing in GIRP

A few years ago, QWOP set the internet ablaze with Chariots of Fire, and an atrophied Olympian who faceplanted his way to what was perhaps one of the funniest free Flash games I have ever played. Everyone is a winner! Now the makers of the original keyboard-controlled hilarity has returned with more of that good stuff.
GIRP is the spiritual successor to QWOP, where instead of controlling an Olympian with involuntary leg muscle spasms, you control a ragdolling ginger whose carpet matches the drapes. Yes, orange pants and orange hair. Where QWOP strugged to run even half a meter down an Olympic track, GIRP is a real man. He toplessly climbs the mountain side with the elegance of Sylvester Stallone in Cliffhanger, while fending off a territorial bird and the rising tide. Go GIRP, go!
GIRP is not NEARLY as difficult as QWOP (thankfully), but its accessibility, if you can call it that, makes it more addicting. I wanted to write this article hours ago, but I was stymied by the desire to see how far I could get GIRP. The screenshot above is my high score after an hour or so of practice. Of course, I promptly fell 64.3 meters to my untimely death immediately afterward. Come get some!