CES11: PlayStation 3 is All About the Headaches

Prepare to be terminated
After a bit of wandering on the main show floor, we found Sony's huge chunk of real estate. Most of it, like almost every other company on the floor, was dedicated in some way to the tiresome technology that I hope fails miserably, 3D. Still cameras, video cameras, small displays, large displays, everything in 3D! In other words, one massive headache. Amongst all the folks looking cool with their dimension-augmenting shades was the PlayStation 3 section, where we happily set up. Thankfully, Sony's massive 3D screen was calling the attention of everyone within eye-shot, meaning uninterrupted game time.
PlayStation's biggest and most interesting game set up by far was for Move, which featured a few screens dedicated to Killzone 3. Having played the multiplayer beta, I already know that this game is going to be a good one. At CES however, PlayStation wanted to give me a brand spanking new experience by not only putting a Move assault rifle in my hands, but also cranking the Helghass-kicking action out in 3D. Honestly I was a little overwhelmed by the sensory barrage, which I usual love. As a 3D skeptic already, having to deal with the enhanced visuals along with the still-foreign Move and rifle peripheral was too much to get down in under five minutes. Attempting to master the control didn't allow me to fully bask in the 3D, so yet another manufacturers attempt to cram this "new" technology down my throat was wasted. The PS Move controls were very finicky, reacting to the slightest movement of the rifle. The sensitivity may have been a little too high for me, but I eventually got the hang of it.. Right before I ran into a pack of Helghast in an attempt to use the melee function, which along with reloading is cleverly implemented. You aim off-screen and give the rifle a shake to reload, and to melee, you thrust the rifle at your enemy as if you're attacking with a bayonet. These motions were tricky execute without losing your aim or directional bearing, but like most things, a little practice will probably fix that right up. Killzone 3 will release on February 22nd, along with the branded peripheral, which will retail for $40.
Also on display was inFamous 2, another PS3 exclusive that I can't wait to dive into. One of the first things I asked the nearest rep, as I smashed heads with Cole's tuning fork shaped cattle prod, was whether or not the title supported 3D. I was informed that the developers chose to concentrate on intense gameplay and an immersive world rather than 3D bells and whistles. Amen, brotha! Thus I cheerily smashed, shocked, ran, climbed, and slid my way -- headache free -- through inFamous 2's demo level. Those who have been keeping up with the released media should know the segment that was playable; where Cole is in pursuit of a limousine, and ends up being attacked by a chopper. The demo looked good when we saw it way back when, and thankfully, it played just as well in Vegas. Still very excited for this one.
Surprisingly, Sony also showed off a little MLB 11: The Show, the first time I've actually seen it in action. Graphically, it appeared not much had changed from MLB 10: The Show, which was already beautiful looking. The only graphical enhancement was made by way of, you guessed it, 3D! YAY! I was not impressed by MLB 11's 3D at all. In a game like baseball, where depth of field is such a integral part of the experience when the camera is over the pitcher's or catcher's shoulder, the effect left much to be desired. It seemed like the biggest benefactor of the 3D treatment was the scoreboard, which honestly, I could care less if I see or not. I suppose the 'wow moments' would occur during a cinematic scene, like a home run, which in the punishing world of baseball sims does not happen often. A more drastic change has been made to the pitching and hitting mechanics, which can now be fully controlled by the analog sticks. Of course, if that departure is a little too hardcore for the casual baseball gamer, you can always switch back to the button-based method of heaters and whiffs.
Finally, Little Big Planet 2 made a showing. We didn't have a chance to give it a whirl, but it is what it is. If you're a user-creation crackhead, you probably shouldn't even think twice about buying it.
All in all, PlayStation and Sony in general seemed to be relying too much on 3D for cheap thrills. I'm still not sold, nor will I ever be. I jokingly asked a rep standing near a PSP display where the PSP2 was at. "Over near the PlayStation 3 set up," he responded. Either he heard me wrong, or he was incredibly misinformed.
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