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    Entries in ninja gaiden iii (2)


    Ninja Gaiden III: Dynasty Warriors Hayabusa

    After having such a good time with the recent reboot of Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden II, I was sort of looking forward to Ninja Gaiden III. Tomonobu Itagaki was cast out, Metroid: Other M fell flat on its face, yet Team Ninja soldiered on with the latest Ninja Gaiden entry. The odds were stacked against this title before development even begun. Whereas past games in the series focused on gore, difficulty, and obscenely large boobs, the third put an increased focus on Hayabusa's thoughts and feelings. I don't mind games that expose a character's psyche, however if not well done, the story becomes as appetizing as raw chicken. The same mistake made by Metroid: Other M, but no one learns, do they? Even after IGN's infamous 3/10 rating on release day, I held on to a shred of hope and purchased the game the following week. What a mistake.

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    This Ninja Gaiden III Trailer is Bloody Fantastic

    I'm on the fence about Ninja Gaiden III. I loved the first two series entries, but a lot has changed since then. Most notably, Team Ninja parting ways with head ninja, badass, and possible Yakuza boss Tomonobu Itagaki. The team's first game without Itagaki fell flat on its face, as it attempted to introduce players to a Samus Aran as a human being with feelings, instead of a ice-cold interstellar bounty hunter. Failure. So, how does Team Ninja follow that? By introducing players to Ryu Hayabusa as a human being with feelings. Hurk.

    Though I'm torn due to Team Ninja's sudden fascination with human feelings, I will probably purchase Ninja Gaiden 3 anyway. Even if it doesn't live up to standards - with its casual difficulty and exposing of Ryu's conscience - first run copies of the game come packaged with a two-fighter demo of the highly anticipated Dead or Alive 5. It doesn't quite make up for the entry price, but it sure helps to cushion the blow, much like a pair of breasts. 

    C'mon, did you think I'd be able to write a note about Dead or Alive without mentioning female anatomy? You overestimate my maturity, friend.