One Word; Shank

Developers Klei have found something in Shank that has triggered somewhat of a euphoric explosion in my brain. Yeah, really. The anticipation for this game has been slowly building and now, five days before it's release, I really can't wait to play this shit.
Let's act out a fantasy of Doctor Moreau real quick. Ready? I'm gonna take the art of the Venture Brothers, stitch on the musical brilliance of a modern Morricone, and add the style and savvy of a Robert Rodriguez south-western. Interested? Co-op (the second player looks like Danny Trejo,) multiple character skins (dibs on Jim Kelly,) style, gore, challenge, replay value, and all the other good things in life. Impressed yet? And it's a $15 downloadable title. Yeah, now you're amazed. If Cheech makes a cameo Shank might just reach fuckin' legend status.
By the way, Klei is being brutal enough to release Shank's masterful soundtrack free of charge, here. All it took was 3,000 people to 'like' Shank's Facebook fan page. That was easy. Three hours later, we see why the interwebz can be a beautiful place when netizens work together.
Less than a week until Shank is ready to gut his way into your home and let you take revenge into your own hands. I'm ready, you should be too. If you're not, I'll leave you with my favorite Shank trailer to date. Adios.
Reader Comments (2)
I fell in love with this game at PAX East and then decided I must make it my bad ass wife at E3. So, so good. The big guns in the industry better start looking to the past like the little guys are doing if they want to make fun games that dont need 60 million dollar budgets.
@Jeff - Completely agree with you. I'd much rather pay $15 dollars for a game like this than $60 for a game that has no personality. This has been a good year for indie and downloadable releases, hopefully devs can build on the success of these types of games and keep a steady stream of quality downloadable titles.